At Solar Train, we bring people and power together.

We are passionate about providing a better future for generations to come and believe the world needs more renewable alternatives.

Whether you’re looking for a rewarding job and a chance to see the real Australia, or you need expert management for your solar project and the right team to do the hard yakka.

Here in Australia, we enjoy wide open spaces and endless blue skies - and as the world moves toward renewable energy, vast solar farms are being built in our remote and rural areas.

At Solar Train, we provide jobs for hard working people ready for a new challenge: helping to build new solar farms and renewable energy projects around the country.

For industry, we source work-ready teams, do all the onsite training, and can manage every aspect of your next renewable energy project.

Are you looking for a job?

We need skilled and unskilled workers for our projects, including locals who can easily access our sites, and people from around Australia who are willing to relocate temporarily for work.

We also recruit travellers who are looking for an opportunity to extend their Working Holiday Visa by taking part in a recognised form of work in rural Australia.

We can set you up with a job, building one of our country’s huge renewable farms – you’ll be trained in construction, meet other people from around Australia and the world, and have plenty of fun along the way. We’ll give you regular work and a decent amount of hours, to take the worry out of casual work.

Australia’s renewable future is powered by great people – we need your help to build our country’s sustainable energy infrastructure.

Come join our true blue team, you’ll be glad you did.

Are you looking for workers?

We take the headache out of sourcing and training a workforce for your next solar farm or renewable energy project. 

We can train staff at every level of the operation, and provide site-specific knowledge and safety guidelines to all workers. Our experienced managers and supervisors can oversee every aspect of your project, taking away the hassle of the day-to-day so you can stay focused on the big picture.